In the beginning of 2012 Helmut Neukam carried out a brief training need assessment within a huge renewable energy project. Due to the fact that the project is still on-going all findings and recommendation have to be kept confidential. A report on the traiing need analysis will be delivered after complete project implementation.

Pictures of the Project

The board of VRA (Volta River Authority) approved a comprehensive renewable energy policy in 2011, in which the authority has set up a target of 100 – 150 MW of wind and solar energy generation within the next three years. The renewable energy (RE) policy for the authority seeks to:

  • Develop a mixed RE portfolio (wind, mini/small hydro, solar) in various potential locations noted/established to have available RE resources.
  • Deploy RE plants as both grid connected and mini grid (isolated grid) systems
  • Set 5 year and 10 year RE generation capacity development projections which would be reviewed every five years.

Under the lead of the Chief Executive several study tours were carried out in order to participate from experiences in countries with a high degree of renewable energy resources installed. All these preliminary activities led to the Consultancy Contract with a Consulting Company in Germany, based on a proposal from Oct 2010.

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